We currently offer shipping within the United States only.
Enjoy complimentary shipping on orders over $30! For orders below $30, a flat shipping fee of $3.95 will be applied.
Orders are processed within 2 to 3 business days and shipped via a trackable courier service.
We strive to deliver your order as quickly as possible. Once shipped, delivery typically takes 3 to 7 business days, depending on your location. Please be aware that holidays may impact delivery times.
While we aim to meet our estimated delivery times, delays may occur. Delivery dates are estimates and should be regarded as such.
Once your order is shipped, you will receive an email confirmation with a tracking number to track your shipment.
Please note that it may take a few days for tracking information to be updated. If your tracking status shows “tracking does not exist” or hasn’t been updated, it’s likely that the courier has not updated their system yet.
If there’s no update after 20 business days, please contact us at support@trueselect.shop, and we’ll be happy to assist!